
Alima Yahia | Bronx, NY

Alima Yahia

Alima Yahia is an assiduous, ambitious, and passionate individual, as well as a devout Muslim. She cherishes the small moments in life as she works towards using her insight, wisdom, and experience to improve her community. Despite being the youngest of five siblings, Alima advocates for others and endeavors to put her best foot forward – no matter the situation. She embraces positivity in every challenge and possesses the tenacity to fulfill her objectives. Alima values every second of the day – each second being a chance to jumpstart change. 

Alima is most proud of being featured and acknowledged on superintendent Alan Cheng’s newsletter the Consortium, Internationals, NYC Outward Bound (CIOB). At the NYC STEM Expo, she and her team created Intaesia, a robot that used could recognize, pick-up, and stow fishing nets in waterways using machine vision learning. Together, their team was recognized out of all the other high school teams in attendance; the expo also offered them a chance to connect with a marine biologist and an associate that can connect them with the Environmental Protection Agency and Marine Agency Corporations.

Beyond this achievement, Alima works alongside younger students as a workshop coordinator and 10th grade science mentor. Furthermore, she serves as a committee leader in Student Government, crafting creative posters and informing her school community of crucial announcements. Finally, Alima is a UHHS Ambassador, captain of the Builders on her school’s Robotics Team, and a volunteer who mentally and emotionally supports cancer patients at the Bronx Oncology Living Daily Initiative.

Alima is the fun, jocular hijabi who cares for not only the world she lives in, but the people who inhabit it too. She cherishes moments with her loved ones, family, and friends, and holds onto the seconds of happiness that ensue as a result. The time she spends with the people that grant her joy serve as the reminder of the blessings that shower her life.

William Namvong | Sacramento, CA

William Namvong

2023 Hamilton Scholar William Namvong, a student at Valley High School in Sacramento, CA –in addition to receiving the Hamilton Award – was recognized as a 2022 Buck Fellow , despite the challenges of coming from a first-generation, low-income household. Known for his bubbly, energetic, and outgoing personality, William makes for a natural leader and a great collaborator. Despite his success, he remains humble and grounded, always willing to lend a hand and support those in need. William takes pride in his journey at Footworks Dance Company, beginning in his sophomore year, where he trickled-in as a trainee. Despite barely making the cut, William distinguished himself as a hard-working and capable dancer, working around the clock to improve his jetés while fostering an inclusive dance environment for his peers. His work came to fruition when, in 2022, William was selected to be a Student Director – a testament to his commitment and grit. Continuing into his second year of leadership, William seeks to be an evolving artist that pushes his peers to express themselves and embrace individuality. Moreover, William serves South Sacramento as the Valley High School’s Junior Class President and Key Club Secretary. William’s biggest goal in ASB is to build community and garner class spirit, fulfilling his duty to create an “enjoyable high school experience.” In Key Club, William serves his broader community – whether it be at park clean-ups or helping his club sell egg rolls at the school’s food fair. William is inspired by his parents journey to America, as it propels him through high school and into his college ambitions. His dad, fleeing the Secret War, came to America with a few siblings and one of his two parents; his mom came in search of the American Dream, looking for better opportunities and a successful future. As William prepares to unlock his newest chapter in life, he hopes to make his parents proud of the first child they raised.

Van Do | Elk Grove, CA

Van Do

For 2023 Hamilton Scholar Van Do from Elk Grove, CA being comfortable with her circumstances won’t inspire her drive to improve it. As much as her community has contributed to her as a persevering and loving teenager – inspiring, challenging, and creating openness – Van still seeks discomfort and ways to relieve it for others.

As Co-President of her school's DATA Cybersecurity club, Van has worked to bridge the industry’s gender gap through the Tuesday Tech Talk series, bringing awareness to students on developments in tech and relevant industry information. Van credits her involvement in Key Club – serving as both Junior Class Representative and on the District Judging Committee – as crucial activities to ensure she’s stepping out of her comfort zone in service of making a meaningful impact on her community. Within two years, Van has served over 450+ community service hours on behalf of nonprofit organizations and events in Elk Grove; her time spent helping with the Elk Grove Multicultural Festival and participating in the UC Davis Health Equity Academy, has enabled Van’s appreciation of her community’s diversity as she strives to make a difference in the lives of those who lack access to healthcare.

Growing up as the oldest child in an immigrant family, Van is inspired to achieve beyond the odds that face her. Ensuring she balances the responsibilities of school and family, Van prides herself on being an outstanding student as well as a responsible daughter. Van helps translate important documents, communicate with doctors at appointments, and takes an active role in caring for her younger sister while her parents are at work. As someone who understands the challenges migrated families face, Van always opens her arms with love to young immigrants, knowing how important that support is to others. In the end, Van aspires to bridge inequity facing the underserved members of her community and “be the change.”

Terran Li | West Covina, CA

Terran Li

Blending into the crowd is never Terran’s objective; to be seen and heard is one of the most important things for this 2023 Hamilton Scholar. Moving through life head-on, battling through challenges makes life – life – for Terran. Hailing from Southern California, Terran is able to learn and grow through the experiences of daily life – she loves to sit down and discuss anything that’ll broaden her view of life.

Terran is passionate about spreading awareness on “taboo” topics: including destigmatizing sexual health and educating young reproductive justice activists as a part of Teen Source’s Youth Advisory Board and a blog writer for Teens For Choice respectively. Through these, Terran spreads her voice loud and proud for the things she believes in, making an impact on fellow teens across the nation.

Along with advocacy, Terran loves spending time volunteering in her community. As Key Club President, she develops tight-knit bonds with people, helping those in need. At her local temple, Terran works with kids and helps connect families and students as Director of Publicity. . Through this work, Terran earned the Presidential Service Award in recognition for all her hard work and dedication.

Every day Terran sees something new to be inspired by: someone picking-up trash when they could’ve easily left it on the floor, an elderly couple acting like young souls, or even a bird flying through heavy winds. Although Terran does not know what she wants to do in the future, she wants a career that is fulfilling and fills her with life – that lets her make a difference, whether that be in the world or someone’s life.

Kimberly Rios | Williams, CA

Kimberly Rios-Ocampo

Kimberly Rios embodies the statement: be the change you want to see. As a first-generation Mexican-American student, she embraces her role as a mediator and voice for many.

Growing up, Kimberly resented the lack of translation at school events, which steered Spanish-speaking parents away from important meetings – from voicing their opinions. In response, she became a certified translator professional through the Global Translation Institute – serving as the translator she had wished to see. As a translator, Kimberly advocates for the parents, shifting the meeting’s dynamic. With her help, School Site Council (SSC) meetings are conducted in Spanish, for which she translates for the English-speaking Chair, continuing to call for greater parent involvement, the first step towards creating an equitable environment.

Extremely passionate about human rights, Kimberly refuses to limit her impact to words, co-founding the #TheBabyProject, an annual community baby shower, to help aid parents in need of baby essentials (e.g., diapers, nursing pads, clothes, shampoo, etc.).

Kimberly is also incredibly involved in school activities as the ASB President, MEChA Vice President, SSC Secretary, Board Representative, CSF Blood Drive Chair, and as a certified AVID tutor. Through these roles, Kimberly has managed to improve her school community through MEChA scholarships, engaging school events, bilingual tutoring services, and her advocacy for the installment of books on campus. More specifically, Kimberly relentlessly advocated for the establishment of a library on campus until mini libraries were established around campus to help promote literacy.

Beyond the aforementioned, Kimberly explores her interests through concurrent enrollment at her local community college, Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Academy, and Upward Bound.

Inspired by her experience with significant health disparities, Kimberly hopes to pursue a combined MD/Ph.D. program in Nutrition and Metabolism. Her aim is to inform the nation on how to best care for their bodies while leading research that shapes the way we approach healthcare. Finally, beyond the physical body, Kimberly aspires to help promote mental health awareness through the power of storytelling.

Kelly Ha | Westminster, CA

Kelly Ha

As an immigrant and eldest daughter born to a broken family, Kelly has long understood the importance of resilience and bravery. Emboldened by her difficult childhood, rather than controlled, Kelly has learned to turn her shortcomings into successes. With a dedication to education and kindness, Kelly’s spirit and passion shines through in everything she does. Her big heart and smile leave almost as big of an impact on the people around her as her strong-willed advocacy. Ambitious and determined, Kelly works to achieve her dreams – not only for herself – but for every child told they were not good enough.

As founder and president of Benevolentia (Latin for kindness and goodwill), Kelly has devoted herself to activism and philanthropy since thirteen. Formed as a non-profit organization focused on education, awareness, and advocacy, Kelly and her peers leverage journalism to inform their community on current events, raise awareness with social media campaigns, and organize fundraisers to donate resources and money to important social causes. Kelly also serves as president of her school’s chapter of We Rise Above, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of, and ending, sexual abuse and violence. Alongside local and national organizations, Kelly has worked hard to put a stop to sexual assault on campus and in her community by organizing self-defense workshops, sexual assault awareness campaigns, and donation-drives for women’s shelters. Finally, with her experience, Kelly hopes to bring change on a national and legislative level as the Director of Campaigns Development at GenerationUp, a student-led social justice organization and student-activist coalition. At GenerationUp, through grassroots activism and collaboration with other like-minded student activists, Kelly strives towards equity in education. She hopes to continue her passions for advocacy throughout her academics as she aims to attend law school, become an attorney, and write legislation to reform the justice system and bring equality to the world.

Kaitlyn Vo | Sacramento, CA

Kaitlyn Vo

Kaitlyn is a resilient, highly driven student from Valley High School in Sacramento, California. She loves to take on new challenges, ready to go above and beyond the limits! Despite the curveballs life has thrown at her, she strives to power through whatever comes her way.

Kaitlyn is an active member of her school’s Key Club, serving as both treasurer and VP, thus helping her break out of her shell, make new friends, and make a valuable impact on her community.

Kaitlyn loves learning, whether through challenging courses or her plethora of hobbies. Her hope is to spread her love of learning to others! She has been able to work at a local elementary school during their summer school program, helping students with their math and reading skills as well as their enrichment activities in art and science. This semester, she is participating in the 4-H Youth Experiences in Science (YES) program where she runs lessons with her team for elementary students, teaching and guiding them as they explore science through curiosity, observation, and communication. She particularly loves teaching about “Wonderful Worms” where her students investigate the 5 senses of the little creatures living in their own backyards.

In the future, Kaitlyn plans to pursue a career in the STEM field, fostering the interest she’s held since she was a kid. a. One day, she hopes to inspire young women to pursue their dreams. Most importantly, she thanks her family for the support they’ve given throughout the years, pushing her to be bright and curious.

Jeylin Castillo | Chicago, IL

Jeylin Castillo

2023 Hamilton Scholar Jeylin Castillo’s world has been one big game of Twister: always trying to place herself in the correct spot so she doesn’t lose her balance in life. Jeylin lives by the words si se puede, or it’s possible; and, echale ganas — put in the effort — keeping them close to her heart, pushing past any limitations and priding herself on the hardships she’s overcome.

Since 5th grade, Jeylin has worked for her future. By 8th grade graduation, she achieved Valedictorian status by a landslide. Equally important accolades include her participation in the National Honors Society (NHS), Northwestern Academy for CPS, and accumulation of over 350 hours of community service. When not at school, Jeylin enjoys playing the violin, and reading to her younger sisters.

Since she was young, Jeylin discovered her passion for business and plans to major in entrepreneurship. In 2022, Jeylin – alongside her team of peers through Leadership Initiatives – received a ₦925,000 grant (approximately $2,000 USD) from Exxon, the United Nations, and the Nigerian Embassy to help start-ups in Bauchi State, Nigeria make their dreams come true – with only a one-week turnaround! During this time she consulted with CEOs and marketing experts in development of attainable solutions for the business. With this experience, Jeylin plans to one day create a business that helps people and puts a smile on their faces.

Jeylin knows that someday she’ll fall on the Twister mat – for now, she’s keeping her balance as best she can – but when she does fall, she knows she’ll get herself back up again anyway.

Jessica Ton | Houston, TX

Jessica Ton

2023 Hamilton Scholar Jessica Ton is a highly motivated, hardworking, and ambitious student hailing from a family of Vietnamese immigrants. Through her fierce determination, leadership, and dedication, she seeks to create change in her community and bridge the gaps that underserved communities face in healthcare and education.

Jessica takes pride in her commitment to closing these gaps, considering her community service work to be among her most meaningful achievements. As a leader of Rotary Interact, Jessica organized the school-wide “International Festival,” raising $20,488 to support impoverished schools in Houston. Her organization of a donation drive also collected over 1,500 hygiene products to be distributed to low-income families. For her leadership and efforts, Jessica was awarded the Rotary Youth Leadership Award by the Interact District Governor.

Over the past three years, Jessica volunteered with the American Red Cross, garnering over 550+ hours; her dedication earned her “Youth Volunteer of the Year.” Through her work with ARC Youth Service Council, Jessica has collaborated with Tiffany's Circle and supported their region-wide fundraiser to assist new mothers with the financial burden of caring for their newborn babies.

In addition to her participation in National Honor Society and Houston’s Emerge Fellowship, Jessica is a leader in her school’s environmental club. Here, she’s coordinated campus beautification events and initiated a school-wide recycling program that promotes environmental awareness. During the summer, Jessica volunteers at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, where she leads exhibition tours, presents patrons with museum artifacts, and assists staff in summer classes.

Jessica’s inspiration is her mother, who encourages and supports Jessica in all her endeavors. Jessica plans to study entrepreneurship with a minor in finance, as she is determined to establish her own company that will empower youth on their path to success and make a lasting impact on the world.

Jennifer Nguyen | Grayson, KY

Jennifer Nguyen

2023 Hamilton Scholar Jennifer Nguyen is a driven student and leader from Grayson, KY. As the daughter of Vietnamese immigrants and as an ethnic minority in a rural area, Jennifer leverages her platforms of advocacy to set a positive example for others and bring about change to her community. Passionate for STEM and educational advocacy, Jennifer served as Kentucky Technology Student Association’s Regional Officer, State Officer, and as an Executive Board Member; moving forward, Jennifer plans to use her leadership and experiences to encourage the pursuit of STEM careers in underserved communities.

In middle school, Jennifer jumped into serving her region as a long-term volunteer at the county library, seeing the need for extra help. Her implementation of an organization system, dutiful cataloging of books, and committed assistance of patrons has earned Jennifer hundreds of service hours in the process. Currently, she’s transforming the deteriorating campus of her historic Eastern Kentucky school back into a community and educational outreach center as a leader of the Hazel Green Academy revitalization project. Additionally, Jennifer interns for Leadership Initiatives International, conducting public health research on healthcare disparities in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

Jennifer attends both East Carter High School and the Craft Academy; her plan is to pursue STEM and minor in international studies. As a member of Spanish Club, Health and Science Club, Upward Bound, and the Envirothon Team, Jennifer’s educational passions shine through her extracurricular involvement. As a native Vietnamese and English speaker – currently studying Spanish on the intermediate level – Jennifer aspires to work and study abroad; she yearns to impact the world through service, education, and initiative, bringing global change she’s always wished to see.

“I want to continue to serve as an example to other students similar to me,” Jennifer said. “I am forever grateful to my family, school, and community for the support they have provided me, and I hope to continue to make them proud.”

Janae Dannica Garcia | Honolulu, HI

Janae Dannica Garcia

Janae Garcia is highly diligent and empathetic, guiding her family and friends with a helping hand – always by their side in times of need. Persistent through difficult challenges, she pursues her academic endeavors in hope of giving back to her family.

Janae leads efforts to improve the health of her community, with a focus on three main issues: education, climate change, and mental health. In addition to environmental clean-ups and garden building, Janae celebrated Earth Day by planting diverse plants and trees around her school’s campus, curating both a beautiful sight that soothed students and an opportunity to educate others on the healthy habit of gardening. Additionally, knowing the importance of mental health and a positive outlook, Janae always finds ways to boost students' spirits. With the help of her team and advisors, she organized a Junior Prom for 300 individuals to celebrate their perseverance – their gleeful faces evidence of the cheerful memories and bonds made that night.

No stranger to wearing multiple hats, Janae involves herself in numerous extracurriculars including the Health Academy as an ambassador, Student Council Prom Committee, Interact Club Historian – now elected as President – and, most recently, as President of the National Honor Society. In fact, she’s accumulated 160+ community service hours and continues her dedication to service with zeel. Her enthusiasm for her community continues into the classroom: Janae pursues her academic goals through rigorous AP courses while pursuing an associate's degree from community college as a high schooler.

Janae aspires to make her family proud. Working to fulfill her lifelong dream of working in the health field, Janae has come to realize her passion for skin care and aims to become a dermatologist. By helping others gain confidence in loving their skin, she believes she can build a positive community that appreciates their natural beauty.

Jaime Hopson | Livingston, TX

Jaime Hopson

2023 Hamilton Scholar Jaime Hopson from Livingston, TX, is a motivated, charismatic, self-driven young lady who’s overcome many obstacles throughout her lifetime. A leader by heart and soul, she gives her all in everything she does and won’t stop until she conquers her obstacles. Jaime gives back to the community through a variety of organizations, committing to an exceptional amount of community service, all while holding a job, and her schooling.

First grade offered Jaime an opportunity to gain the confidence needed for her schooling through the Gifted and Talented program – where she’d remain until the program ended before freshman year. Throughout school, Jaime pursues academic excellence: she’s received many awards across subjects and extracurriculars – ranking seventeenth in her class of 340, with a near perfect GPA – and has participated in every honors course. Additionally, she’s been nominated for the National Honors Society and achieved Battalion XO in the first year of her school’s ROTC program.

Jaime is inspired to be something by the world around her – but in an opposite way: She pushes so she can go beyond small town life and not let it define her. She wants to see the world and break the poverty cycle. While there have been so many obstacles in Jaimes life – they just continue to make her stronger.

Gracie Cosman | Fallon, NV

Gracie Cosman

Gracie has proved that great things come in small packages. From living all over the United States to currently living in a small town in northwest Nevada; she has not let anything stand in her way. From the only female to qualify from her high school for state swimming, to overcoming obstacles for a nationwide program for siblings of patients with chronic medical disorders. After joining her family nearly nine years ago, she has attended six different schools in five states, and that has not derailed her. Gracie has maintained her 4.0 GPA while taking college courses in a dual enrollment program at her high school, Oasis Academy College Prep.

Gracie is an accomplished swimmer, with regional and state qualifying times, and plans to swim at the collegiate level. The accomplishment that Gracie is most proud of is moving forward with a sibling group. Gracie has secured support from several national organizations to support siblings for childern with chronic medical conditions. Many times the sibling are not recognized within a family’s journey while their sibling has a condition. This has a profound affect on not only the child with the condition, the family, but the sibling as well. Gracie wants to recognize their journey by giving them a hand-made glass bead to represent their journey. For instance for having to ride the ambulance with their sibling, or being left alone with the neighbor. This gives a way for the sibling to share their story.

Gracie has been deeply affected by several things. Number one, her adoption at eight years old giving her a unique insight to addiction, loss, and the right to chose joy each day. The next being meeting a fellow military child, with some serious medical issues, who has defied the doctors time and time again. This has inspired Gracie to become a pedatric nurse with a general focus in transplants and cancer. The final inspiration is her brother, who has also defied doctors expectations. Even at the worst of times, her brother has found the light in the darkest situations.

This is Gracie!

Gabriel Bentacourt | National City, CA

Gabriel Bentacourt

2023 Hamilton Scholar Gabriel Betancourt from National City, CA is a devoted and hardworking high schooler only just beginning his future success towards medicine. Always in search of new ways to improve and strengthen his learning potential, Gabriel prides himself in accomplishing the simplicity of social skills that have made him a better person and stranger. Gabriel expresses his love for family, and is an animal lover who helps local cats that need care for and nurturing.

As a transgender male, Gabriel carefully constructs and edits his choices in-light of his struggle to be accepted in society; He’s keenly aware that acceptance doesn’t automatically place one at the same starting point with the same chances as anyone else. Inspired by the desire to foster safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth, Gabriel participated in a WIT (“Whatever It Takes”) Hackathon to “solve your city's most significant problems”. Alongside other passionate peers, Gabriel pitched his idea to address the struggle LGBTQ+ minorities face in finding community and received support from two sponsors who supported his idea.

At school, Gabriel devotes his time to several clubs: Dreamers manages a safe place for students with families struggling with American citizenship, and a multicultural club that embraces and spreads awareness of cultures through festivals. Outside school, Gabriel plays varsity soccer – and is coming up on his fourth year now – and is competing for varsity cross-country.

Gabriel’s dream, in light of the challenges he’s faced, is to become a surgeon. “A surgeon saved my life,” Gabriel said, having had a major surgery not too long ago. “I may never repay that – I’ll never forget my gratitude to them – and now I want to save people like how they saved me.”

Emely Lopez | Homestead, FL

Emely Lopez

2023 Hamilton Scholar Emely Lopez from Homestead, FL, is a committed, independent, and courageous student and individual; full of drive, sheperseveres with a winning attitude unmatched by peers – always kind, attentive, and engaged.

Of her numerous community service projects and activities, founding Hearts to Heal best showcases Emely’s leadership. In partnership with Florida International University Professor Dr. Asia Eaton Hearts to Heal spreads awareness on domestic abuse through seminars and club meetings. Alongside 30+ student volunteers – from Homestead, to Miami’s Medical Academy for Science and Technology, John A. Ferguson High School, Terra Environmental Research Institute, and so many more – Hearts to Heal donates feminine products, hygiene products, diapers, baby bottles, bed sheets, and clothing to local women shelters.

Her leadership extends into school as Emely devotes herself to seven extracurricular clubs, of note is her service as Junior President for Student Advocates for Speech. Emely does not see obstacles – she sees opportunities. In pursuit of her career in trauma surgery, Emely has diligently accumulated over 150 community service hours volunteering as a Certified Nursing Assistant and a Home Health Aide for Century Medical Center alongside Dr. Nelson Gonzalez and Dr. Yeney Lopez. Without question, Emely is a well-rounded individual deserving of every opportunity before her.

In the classroom, Emely excels as an intelligent scholar, devoting her time to her studies – familiar with long, late nights at the Miami Dade College library – to ensure her 4.7 weighted GPA remains unscathed. Although Emely is balancing three Advanced Placement classes, three Miami Dade College classes, and two Florida Virtual Classes she still finds time for herself and those around her – especially her family. As a Cuban-American, first-generation daughter, she wants to provide for her family – whether it be cooking dinner and cleaning the whole house before her single other gets home from her two jobs, or surprising her with a hot cafecito that will surely make her day – Emely always finds a way to step-down as a leader and be a friend, daughter, sister, and student.

Eduardo Guerrero Gaytan | Norwalk, CA

Eduardo Guerrero Gaytan

2023 Hamilton Scholar Eduardo Guerrero Gaytan – from Norwalk, CA – is a proud Mexican-American. As a first-generation student, Eduardo is motivated to make his family proud while using his education to help his community; to him, education is the key to advancing in life – Eduardo wants to use his knowledge to help others do the same.

Even though he’s just started his journey, Eduardo has achieved remarkable feats. From a young age, taking college-level classes, Eduardo found that his favorite subject was Chicano Studies because it spoke to his roots. In both sophomore and junior year, he was recognized as one of the top 20 students in his generation and thus was accepted into the Norwalk Summer Youth Program. Additionally, Eduardo plays on the varsity tennis team, participates in his school’s First Aid Club, and has raised funds for Toys for Tots, food drives, and blood drives.

Of note, is Eduardo's key participation in planning the annual Norwalk Autism Awareness Fair and Norwalk Eyesight Event; both aligned with his desire to help his community, educate others, and provide medical assistance where needed.

Eduardo draws inspiration from his family: his mother, Rossy, taught him the value of hard work and determination; his uncle, Edgar, taught him self-discipline and the qualities of leadership; and his grandmother, Nana Rosa, who instilled in him kindness and a caring nature to help others. These role models – his family – have played a significant role in shaping Eduardo into the future leader he is becoming. His personal and academic achievements – his passion for helping his community – all are a reflection of his values, instilled in him by his family.

“No man can win every battle,” Spider-Man, Eduardo's favorite superhero, said. “But no man should fall without a struggle."

To Eduardo, this quote reflects his dedication to helping those in need and his willingness to take on challenges in pursuit of change in his community.

Diane Arias-Tejeda | Hazleton, PA

Diane Anyeliz Arias Tejeda

2023 Hamilton Scholar Diane Arias-Tejeda is an optimistic and involved member of her school and local community in Hazleton, PA. Carrying positivity in her everyday actions and service, Diane energizes her surroundings, approaching adversity through a bright perspective and an enthusiastic hello.

In addition to the Hamilton Award, Diane has been recognized both as a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar and a QuestBridge College Prep Scholar. All three honors welcome Diane as a member of diverse and highly motivated communities of leaders striving for educational opportunities. In this pursuit, Diane pursues educational growth through courses at her local community college, even helping others along their own journeys through volunteering at her local public library. Outside the classroom, Diane’s love of languages and culture motivates her own research and sharing of her multicultural experiences. Through her presentations, such as the importance of cultural representation and bilingualism in modern America, Diane strives to show audiences that language can bridge cultures; when we learn to effectively use it across all avenues, more effective cultural exchange can bring about amity amidst cultures.

Additionally, Diane is involved in various extracurriculars. She serves as Assistant Student Director for her school’s Drama Club, Chief Editor of Yearbook, Vice President of the Chinese National Honor Society, and a supportive member of the varsity girl’s tennis team. Previously, Diane served as a member of the Hazleton Junior City Council, Junior Leadership Hazleton, and the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership seminar. Finally, Diane received a myriad of competitive awards, including Poetry Out Loud, Future Business Leaders of America, and the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science.

Diane’s younger brother and school community – her biggest supporters – inspire her to achieve her personal success. As a first-generation student from a low-income family, Diane faced food insecurity, poverty, and the effects of substance abuse on a family. Since the separation of her parents when she was 10, Diane persevered, stepping-up as a caretaker for her younger brother and devoting more time to ensuring her personal success through school and community involvement. As someone who’s received so much support from her community, Diane aims to raise awareness about the circumstances she’s overcome, wishing to eventually become a support figure for others in similar situations.

Chibuzo Amobi | Los Angeles, CA

Chibuzo Amobi

2023 Hamilton Scholar Chibuzo Amobi, from Los Angeles, CA, is a highly motivated and creative individual who has faced and overcome harsh adversity with determination and an unrelenting belief in the possibility of a brighter future. She expresses her appreciation for life by positively impacting everyone she meets, while setting a prime example for others to follow.

Chibuzo prides herself on her artistic ability as a visual artist. During the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020, Chibuzo received her first camera; since then, she has embraced her creativity, expanding her craft to portrait photography. Alongside peers and mentors, Chibuzo continues to hone her skills, taking joy in her burning passion for the artform, as she continues to grow as a photographer.

Additionally, Chibuzo is an active member of her community: She interns at Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services Los Angeles,; serves as Vice President of the Nigerian Student Association at Middle College High School; participates in track & field, and cheerleading at her school; and, will serve as the Associated Student Body Vice President for the 2023-2024 school year.

Chibuzo’s four younger siblings motivate her to succeed and prove that – through her obtaining higher education – anything is possible. To Chibuzo, it’s important to move forward, but to also look back and support those before you. Overall, Chibuzo is an inspirational individual who is making a positive impact on those around her and striving towards a brighter future.

Cathy Li | Walnut, CA

Cathy Li

Cathy Li is a student journalist and self-proclaimed humanities person from Walnut, California. She rules over her school newspaper’s copy with an iron fist as the Copy Editor-in-Chief, striking fear into the heart of all Oxford commas. Her work for outside publications include the Pasadena Magazine, Girls’ Life and L.A. Times High School Insider, for which she’s covered everything from Roe V. Wade protests to the red carpet of the first Children’s and Family Emmys. For her journalism, Cathy received the national American Voices Medal in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, placements in various Journalism Education Association’s write-off contests and was state champion in the Future Business Leaders of America’s Journalism event. Summer 2023 she’ll attend the Asian American Journalism Association’s JCamp to further pursue her interest in the field. 

In terms of academics, Cathy loves taking classes at her local community college about niche topics ranging from linguistic anthropology to fashion history. As a Pioneer literature scholar, Cathy researches queer spaces in 1950s San Francisco and how they impacted the development of the city. She’s also working with the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, conducting archival research that’ll be published in the forthcoming book "The Five Chinatowns: Chinese Americans and the Creation of a Multi-Ethnic Los Angeles.” Cathy enjoys English and history because they allow her to tell stories—like journalism—through different mediums, though the latter doesn’t seem to require as much creative problem solving to get past paywalls. Finally, Cathy is also her school’s Mock Trial captain and Future Business Leaders of America president. 

Looking ahead, Cathy hopes to do something that involves advocating for other people who might have trouble being heard—an issue she experienced herself because of her background. She isn’t sure yet what form this will take, but is leaning towards journalism or law. Cathy cannot be more excited to be part of the HamFam, and looks forward to meeting fellow Hammies and the infamous subway rat in New York City!

Catherine Stanish | St. Louis, MO

Catherine Stanish

2023 Hamilton Scholar Catherine Stanish, an immigrant to the United States, is a highly motivated, dedicated student with a strong connection to community. Through her experiences, she has seen immense growth and is excited to be a part of the Hamilton Scholars community. Catherine's achievements are fueled by her interest in gaining skills to give back to the communities that have given so much to her.

Catherine is most proud of her work at Selah Textiles (selahtextiles.org), a social enterprise she helped start and where she currently serves as a Lead Associate. Through Selah Textiles, Catherine has taught fellow young, female immigrants and women from under-resourced populations life skills through printing and selling textiles. Catherine and her friend, 2022 Hamilton Scholar Elise Zeigler, started Selah during Catherine’s freshman year of high school; together, they directly empower her community of St. Louis – something she’s proud to be a part of.. Through Selah, she has formed lasting friendships with fellow hard-working young women and gained skills in teaching, management, and entrepreneurship.

In addition to her work at Selah, Catherine is involved in several other community and extracurricular activities. As a volunteer with Christian Friends of New America’s (CFNA) after-school tutoring program, Catherine helps young refugee and immigrant students with their school work – also offering to be a friend to whom they can relate and talk to. She enjoys giving to others in St. Louis and looks to grow her skills in teaching for her future career.

Catherine is also a part of her church's leadership team which organizes all events for middle-high school youth in her church community. As a freshman, Catherine worked with her peers to construct a panel of high schoolers who are passionate about community service. She has been an organizer for several outreach events, and she hopes to be the youth intern at her church for her senior year of high school so that she can become more involved in the organizations that have shaped her life.

Catherine aspires to become a Cardiologist who not only works to help people in the hospital, but also by doing outreach in the community. These ambitions are what empower her to be involved in her communities. Her inspiration for becoming a doctor came after her grandfather’s passing. She wants to make him and her family proud and become an impactful leader in her future communities.