Meet our amazing Hambassadors!

Hambassadors are current Hamilton Scholars who aid in promoting and growing the Hamilton community. They work within their respective communities to share the AHS mission and specialize in community engagement and social media content creation.

Sentra Ho (Lead Hambassador)

2022 Cohort | she/her/hers

I am part of the 2022 Alexander Hamilton Cohort and I am proud to say I was the Lead Hambassador for the 2025 application season. I hold Hamilton Scholars dear to my heart, and it was my honor to be able to share it with other passionate students. My favorite part about the Hamilton Empowerment Program is the support system you get once you become a Hammie. Not only do you have our amazing program specialists and your cohort itself, but you also have an entire network of alumni and amazing people from other cohorts who support you and help you throughout your journey not only to grow as a student but also as a leader and as a person because sometimes we need more advice to life than just help with scholarships. I know when I moved to California from Salt Lake City, UT in the middle of high school, the Hamilton Scholars community were my #1 supporters.

It’s so hard to choose my favorite memory, but one of my favorite memories from leader weeks is probably staying at the dorms with your cohort. Though the weeks are filled with sessions and events, where we visit the beach, federal buildings, visit Seattle’s Chinatown, I feel like being able to live at a dorm for a bit with your cohort is the space where you get the most out of having an amazing cohort. We had deep conversations, played games, watched movies, and stayed up all night. It was like you go to the same school with your cohort, which I know isn’t the reality. 


Jeylin Castillo

2023 Cohort | she/her/hers

I am a proud member of the 2023 Alexander Hamilton Cohort. One of the highlights of my experience with the Hamilton Empowerment Program has been the support of an amazing community who are always there for me! I feel that no matter what, I can always rely on any member of AHS to show up for me whenever I reach out. Being in AHS gives me a strong sense of belonging and allows me to share parts of myself others don’t see because I know that I am not judged in the space, but rather listened to and understood. My HamFam is there for me in both moments of triumph and difficulty.

A favorite memory of mine is particularly from New York Leader Week when my cohort came up with a tradition. That being, on the final day of the NYLW, my entire cohort stayed up all night to cherish their last moments together before parting ways till the next year. I feel that it was the time my cohort got to bond the most as everyone was able to get vulnerable with each other, have a good time, and enjoy each other’s company until each one of us left. This tradition of pulling all-nights at the end of Leader Week has become meaningful as it helps us become more tight-knit – allowing us to grow even closer – and enjoy the experience of being together. The HamFam is a second family to me and I can’t wait to see them every year.


Emely Lopez

2023 Cohort | she/her/hers

I am from the 2023 cohort. My favorite part of the Hamilton Empowerment Program is undoubtedly the sense of community. Both the staff and the Hammies (regardless of their cohort) are genuinely committed to supporting you and guiding you to put your best foot forward. I’m constantly praising the Hamilton Scholars, not just because it’s a prestigious honor, but because this program has shaped me into the woman I am today. As a first-generation Cuban American student, the Empowerment Program showed me that attending college wasn’t just a distant dream but a realistic possibility. Lynell’s extensive knowledge of financial aid eased my fears about applying for scholarships, Cassandra’s unwavering support helped me navigate the difficult transition from high school to college, and Vince’s open personality encouraged me to confidently be myself and not shy away from showing others who I truly am. These are just a few of the incredible leaders who make the Hamilton Empowerment Program the life-changing experience it is.

My favorite memory from a leaderweek would definitely be from my cohort's Seattle Leaderweek where my fellow Hammies and I were at a beach park roasting marshmallows to make smores. This memory in particular stuck with me because I looked around and saw that these people, whom I had only known for about a year, felt like my family. Although I was burning and charring all of my jumbo marshmallows, nobody was judging. Giggles and playful conversation from the Hammies playing volleyball out on the sand filled the air, and I was content. There have been very few times when a community has given me that sense of serenity, and that is something I will always be grateful to have experienced. There are many many many more favorite memories I have from leaderweeks, however, I would be lying if I said I can sum all of them down to one paragraph. Being able to forge connections and build relationships within the leaderweeks is undoubtedly a big part of any leaderweek, and that is something I will always be grateful for.


Sophia Tkachenko

2024 Cohort | she/her/hers
Hi! I am a proud member of the 2024 Cohort. My name is Sophia Tkachenko and I am a first-generation Ukrainian-American whose passions span from the biological sciences to the depths of community initiatives, with a sprinkle of fierce creative ambitions to guide my journey. Inside and outside of the classroom, I enjoy asking questions about the very basics of scientific foundations and find myself fascinated by the chemical basis of neurological studies and immunopeptidomics (a fancy way of saying the proteins involved in our body’s immune response). Beyond academics, I enjoy transforming various mediums with my hands into giant origami swans, hand-stitched bracelets, beaded jewelry, and crochet amigurumi plushies (just to name a few of my proudest creations) and playing tennis. 

And what I believe makes the Hamilton Empowerment Program so powerful is that it brings together a cohort of incredibly accomplished individuals. But what truly makes every one of its scholars special is their humanity and humility beyond their accomplishments. I mean I really couldn’t imagine anyone else that would in one moment describe their deep-rooted passion for making a difference in a national service organization, and in the next jam out to karaoke songs on the boat during their first Seattle Leader Week! 

As such, I can’t wait to spread the word and community of Alexander Hamilton Scholars to juniors all across the country as a proud Hamilton Hambassador.


Hannah Yang

2024 Cohort | she/her/hers

I am a 2024 Hammie originally from New York City. Experiencing firsthand the impact language barriers have had on my loved ones, I strive to empower others within my community by helping with translation and other initiatives that ensure my community’s voices are heard. The Hamilton Empowerment program has done above and beyond to support me throughout this complicated college process. Through the help of AHS, I will be attending Yale University in the fall. During my first Leader Week in Seattle, I have a fond memory of staying up at night on the last day to write letters to the other Hammies. AHS has brought me lifelong memories and friends, and I am so excited for the next Leader Weeks.