Luis Morales Carrera | Renton, WA

Luis is a highly-motivated and community-driven individual. He works tirelessly to ensure that his community can move forward with him. He is very passionate about opening doors to others and being the first in many things. His motivation to change the world of tomorrow by using his voice of today is what keeps Luis from giving up and always giving his best.

Luis is most proud of his work at a local non-profit organization called Sustainable Renton which focuses on food sustainability. Luis joined Sustainable Renton in late April of 2022 as a volunteer and a few months later, he started interning for the organization as their first-ever youth coordinator. With his new position, he was able to change the teen volunteering system that delivered a higher teen volunteer participation rate. Luis also focused on growing the organization's Instagram marketing, which he was able to grow by 138%. The reason why Luis holds the organization so dear to his heart is because quote “I love the work I did, the work I do, and the work I will continue to do for the organization, I am passionate about helping out my community and making sure no one has think about whether they will have their next meal”.

Additionally, Luis has other notable accomplishments like winning 1st place at his area DECA competition for the same competition, 2 years in a row. And he is heavily involved in school clubs, currently president of MUN, DECA, Educators Rising, and co-president of the Latinx club. Luis' passion for government has led him to be heavily involved in his local government. He is currently part of the Renton Youth Court program Mayors Inclusion task force, both of which focus on getting youth voices in local government.

Luis’s biggest inspiration comes from his mom, a hardworking mother who has always shown him that giving up is never the right decision and that he must always continue to try to beat the odds.